
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The World’s First Transparent Pool Table By Nottage Design

G1 glass tabletop pool design Australia Nottage, based on a remarkable fusion of contemporary and new technologies. With patented transparent surface resin game called Vitrik, G1-estimated, playing as table, just replace the glass top of a standard sheet. According to the designer, G1, to create “amazing floating in the air, the effect of ball slide smoothly and quietly.” This unique glass pool table also includes a mechanism for returning the ball integrated into a modern metal frame.
The concept of a transparent pool table was found by Craig Nottage as part of the current design task Industry last year at the University of South Australia.
We must give Nottage accessories. This is a pool table as forward thinking as we have ever encountered. Australian dollar price of $ 39,900 (US $ 25,150), glass table G1 price pool is also in line with many pool tables other market practices.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Did you know , that blog is very valuable?

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the results obtained from the blog is sometimes very many, but not infrequently also the blogger home without bringing a bit of money in his hand

create a blog is easy, instant and free, but to make it famous, and the money is good that a very difficult.

bussinesman to become a success in terms of Internet marketing, are the main requirements have a website / high traffic visitors, both SEOnya and good PageRanknya .. all that I need a lot of business, of course, a lot of patience and also the cost.

I want you to become a successful online business, of course, should be ready in all respects, not only expect from a free course

panduan prestashop Ketemu Warning ketika Ganti Bahasa Indonesia di Prestashop, nah kenapa lho? Ini terjadi ketika anda menambahkan Bahasa Indonesia langsung ke Tools->Languages dan warningnya kira-kira seperti ini

Penyelesaianya gini, download packing translasi bahasanya disini
setelah itu, masuk ke Tools->Translations nah import file bahasanya. Dijamin beres bos!!!

Reset Manual Password Prestashop dgn phpMyadmin


Sudah beberapa kali mendapatkan permintaan dari client untuk membantu mereka mereset-password prestashop karena lupa atau hal lainya.  Nah berikut ini adalah panduan mereset pasword prestashop langsung melalui phpmyadmin :
Tahapan awal anda harus mendapatkan user dan pasword untuk login ke phpmyadmin
  1. login ke Directadmin melalui client area
  2. Masuk ke file manager -> public_html -> masuk folder config
  3. Edit pada file dan cari keterangan
    define(‘_DB_USER_’, ‘ini_adalah_user_untuk_login_phpmyadmin’);
    define(‘_DB_PASSWD_’, ‘sedangkan_ini_passwordnya’);
  4. Setelah anda mendapatkan user dan paswd untuk login ke phpmyadmin maka selanjutnya silahkan akses nah masukan user dan paswd tersebut
Tahapan selanjutnya adalah menemukan cookie key yang akan digunakan untuk mereset password
  1. Anda bisa menemukan cookie key di folder public_html -> config ->
    define(‘_COOKIE_KEY_’, ‘ini_adalah_cookie_key’);
  2. catat cookie key tersebut
Eksekusi reset pasword
  1. Di phpmyadmin Cari table ps_employee trus tampilkan isi tablenya dan edit pada record user yang ingin anda reset paswordnya.
  2. Perhatikan pada gambar dibawah, nah letakkan cookie key dibagian depan kemudian tambah dengan pasword baru yang anda inginkan. Jangan lupa fungsi password di set MD5
    Dalam contoh dibawah saya merubah pasword prestashop dengan enaktenan
    klik gambar untuk memper besar
  3. klik GO dan login lagi ke admin area prestashop
Selamat mencoba…

Menghapus Powered by Prestashop

Langkah sederhana untuk menghapus link “Powered by Prestashop” yang berada pada bagian footer bertulis adalah dengan cara melakukan editing pada modul blockvariuslinks
Step by Step
  • Masuk ke Hosting Panel anda
  • Masuk pada folder /modules/blockvariouslinks/
  • Edit file blockvariouslinks.tpl maka anda akan menemukan baris berikut

  • {l s=’Powered by’ mod=’blockvariouslinks’} PrestaShop™

  • dan hapus script tsb.
    Yap, hanya itu. selamat mencoba.